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Key inspection point while Transformer arrive at site

When a transformer arrives at a site, several key inspection points are crucial to ensure its proper installation and functioning.Here we provide Key inspection point  while Transformer arrive at site.

Key inspection point while Transformer arrive at site

Check whether the transformer has arrived at site with a positive gas pressure ( 0.2kg/cmsq) in case of dispatch without oil. Two back up N2 cylinder having high pressure of 120-140kg/cmsq and N2 regulator provided.

Use only N2 to IS 1747 with 50ppm moisture and 1% oxygen by volume. Dry nitrogen (-55˚C) to be used to determine dew point of insulation. If storage time exceeds 3 months transformer filled with oil rather then maintain N2 pressure.Gas cylinder to maintain positive pressure during storage.

Should the transformer arrive at site without pressure (owing to gas leakage), it must be assumed that moisture has entered the tank and that the moisture will have to be driven out. In such cases, the manufacturer’s advice must be sought.

Check Oil level and leakage if Transformer with oil filled

In case of dispatch of main body in oil filled condition, check oil level and leakages if any than informed to manufacture company.

In case of any oil leakage or damage is discovered, the transportation company, the transport insurer and manufacturer shall be informed immediately.

For oil filled transformers a sample of oil should be taken from the bottom of the tank and tested for BDV and moisture content. If the values do not meet the relevant standards the matter should be taken up with the manufacturer.

Check important Point while Transformer arrive at site

Verify that the transformer’s nameplate details, including its rated voltage, current, power rating, and impedance, match the specifications provided in the purchase order.

When a transformer arrives at site a careful external inspection must be made of the unit, its cooling system and all sealed components, referring to the general arrangement drawing and the shipping list.

 Inspect all packing cases and loose components for damage or missing items. High voltage and low voltage bushings should be checked for cracks, chips, and leaks.

 All external accessories should be checked for breakage, loss, and leaks.

Tank and radiators should be inspected for leaks, dents, scratches, and other signs of rough handling.

Paint should be inspected for damage.

A record of damage must be prepared in conjunction with other participants and supplier representative.

Minor damage which may appear unimportant should also be recorded.

 Confirm that case numbers match with the packing list. Check their contents tally with the packing list if the packing case is damaged.

Fill in the check list for external as well as internal inspections.

Check the transformer for any visible damage during transportation, such as dents, scratches, or leakage.

What is Impact recorder? How to check check Impact Recorder?

Impact Recorder is device which is monitor the transformer while it is transportation in the field. Impact recorder could potentially refer to a device or system designed to record and measure the impacts experienced by goods or cargo while in transit.

 Impact recorder mount on transformer. It is assure to adequate battery life and recording paper.

An impact recorder, which records the g-force magnitudes of impacts versus time.

Down load impacts recorded by impact recorder and analyze the same in consultation with supplier.

Review Impact Recorder tapes to assure that damage has not occurred during transit. Contact the factory if the following values are exceeded:

Most of the transformers are transported in India without impact recorder. In most of the cases impact recorder either has not been functioning or not analyzed.

Check necessary transformer assembly

Transformers with equipment or accessories removed for shipment must be reassembled after being placed on the installation site. All items removed for shipment will be noted on the Bill of Lading. These items should be reassembled in the following order:

De-mounted Radiators

Cooling Fans


Conservator tank

 Pressure Relief Device/Rapid Pressure Rise Relay

 Lightning Arrestors

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