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Transformer IDMT, Differential and all Relay setting calculation

 Power transformer rating = 30 MVA

Voltage Ratio = 33/66 kV

Rated voltage (in kV) HV side = 66

Rated voltage (in kV) LV side = 33

Vector Group = YNyn0

CT ratio (HV) side = 400/1 A

CT ratio (LV) side = 600/1 A

Minimum Tap = – 10%

Maximum Tap = +10%

% Impedance = 10

Full Load current HV side = MVA/ voltage rating * √3

=30*1000000/ 66000*√3

= 262.743 A

CTR= 400/1 A

Current on CT secondary = 262.74/400

= 0.656 A

Ratio Compensation = 1/0.656 = 1.524

Full Load current LV side = MVA/ voltage rating * √3

=30*1000000/ 33000*√3

= 524.87 A

CTR= 600/1 A

Current on CT secondary = 524.87/600

= 0.874 A

Ratio Compensation = 1/0.874 = 1.144

Initial setting = 0.2 x In (full tap changer range -10 % to +10 % )

Slope 1 = 30 % (full tap change range that is 10+10 =20 +10% extra bias)

Irest 1: = 0.67 (Starting point of slope 1 )

half of the rated CT secondary ,for extra stabilization additional margin

Slope 2 = 2 times slope1 + 10 % safety margin

= 70 %

Irest 2 = 2.5 (starting value of slope 2)

Differential High set = 7.5

Transformer short ckt. current = FLA/ % Z

= 262.7/0.1= 2620 A

CTR = 400/1 A 2620/400= 6.55 this setting must be greater than the transformer inrush current

51 Relay setting (IDMT) Calculation

CT ratio: 400/1A

Full load amp of xmer : 262.7 A

110 % of full load amps

1.1 x 262.7 = 288.97 A


288.97/400 = 0.72


TMS = 0.09

CURVE : Normal Inverse

relay operating time = 0.14/ (psm) 0.02-1 * TMS

Relay operating time = 0.09 * 14/ (6.55)0.02-1

Relay operating time =279 ms

50 Relay setting (Instantaneous O/C)

600 % FLA = 5*262.7= 1576.2= 1576.2/400 = 3.94

CT sec = 1A

Setting = 3.94

Selected tripping characteristic: DMT

Delay = 0.10 sec

51N Relay setting ( IDMT)

CTR : 400/1A

TMS: 0.08

SETTING: 0.2 X In (20 % of FLA )=52.54 A

relay operating time: 0.14/ (psm) 0.02-1 * TMS

Relay operating time : 137 ms

Curve: NI (Normal Inverse)

50N Relay Setting (Instantaneous E/F )

200 % OF FLA= 525.4= 525.4/400= 1.31

Setting: 1.3 x In

Delay : 0.06 sec

Selected Tripping Characteristics : DMT

Under voltage protection

PT ratio = 66000 kV/3/110 V /3

Phase to phase Voltage = 110V

Phase to neutral voltage = 63.5 V

77% of 110 V = 84.7 V

Delay = 3 sec (to Avoid unwanted tripping)

Over voltage protection

110% OF 110 V= 121 V

Delay = 0 sec

Over fluxing protection

V/F = 110/50 = 2.2 =1 P.U

For 1.10 P.U V/F = 2.2 *1.1*50= 121 Volts Phase to phase

Ph-E= 121/√3 = 69.9 V

V/F pick up > = 1.10

Delay = 10.00 s

V/F pick up >>= 1.20

Delay= 1.00 s

HV REF protection

Vs= IF X T(Rct +2RL)

FLA = 262.7 Amps

Max fault current = 2620 A

CTR = 400/1 A

Rct= 3 ohm

RL = 0. 3 ohm

Vs = 2620/400(3+2*0.3)

Vs= 23.58 V


IS = 0.1 A= 23.58/0.1

RS= 235 .8 OHM


Delay = 0 sec

LV REF Protection

Vs= IF X T(Rct +2RL)

FLA = 524.8 Amps

Max fault current = 5248 A

CTR = 600/1 A

Rct= 3 ohm

RL = 0. 3 ohm

Vs = 5248/600(3+2*0.3)

Vs= 31.48 V


IS = 0.1 A= 31.48/0.1

RS= 314.8 OHM


Delay = 0 sec

1 thought on “Transformer IDMT, Differential and all Relay setting calculation”

  1. Pingback: Transformer Differential Protection and their diagram

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