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Safety point while work in Electrical substation

DO’s to Achieve Safety While Working in Substation

  1. Work on low & medium voltage mains and apparatus should be carried only by authorized person(s) and all mains and apparatus to be worked upon shall be isolated from all sources of supply before starting the work.
  2. Warning boards shall be attached to or kept adjacent to the line apparatus and the limit of the zone, in which work may be carried out, should be specifically indicated.
  3. Ensure that all the safety apparatus such as rubber mats, stool, platforms or other safety devices to be used, should be in good condition.
  4. When any live mains are to be earthed, the procedure prescribed should be scrupulously followed.
  5. Maintenance on H.T. Breaker should be attempted only when it is fully isolated and withdrawn.
  6. No work should be done on the transformers unless, it is disconnected from all external electrical circuits and all windings have been solidly earthed.
  7. De – energize incoming power before removing top and side access or cover plates of any bus cover. Lock out the incoming power source. Earth the main horizontal bus before working on the bus.
  8. Check voltage, if any, by multi meter / test lamp so as to be sure that circuit breaker / switches are open or that the bus is de – energized.
  9. Isolate all remote-control voltage sources when working on the board.
  10. Pad – lock the breakers with isolated position and test before working on a branch circuit.
  11. Follow proper Electrical Isolation procedures to avoid in – advertent activation of any Electrical equipment i.e., put “Men at Work” tally on the isolated circuit. Remove the fuses etc. before working.
  12. Obey warnings to stay away from electrical circuits and locked – out equipment.
  13. Wear rubber gloves and any other assigned protective clothing and safety equipment while working.
  14. Inspect electrical tools before each use.
  15. Keep all electrical circuit contact points enclosed.
  16. Do use a quality surge suppresser with enough sockets for every component.
  17. Do look out for overhead power lines every time you use an insulated ladder or pole. Stay at least 10 feet away from any electrical lines.
  18. When in doubt, seek help from experts and advice to the juniors.
  19. Keep away any chemicals which are compatible from electrical panels etc.
  20. Follow manufacturers’ recommendations and requirements while working on that machine / equipment.
  21. Eliminate all potential tripping hazards in the work area.
  22. If any device / machine emits an unusual odor, turn it off and unplug it immediately. Do not use the device / machine until it is repaired.
  23. Wear safety glasses while working.
  24. If you see that cables of electrical device are worn or frayed, make sure you replace it as soon as possible.
  25. Ensure every rotating / static machine has been installed properly and is stable.
  26. Employers should control any remaining risk by providing the worker / operator with the necessary information, instruction, training, supervision and appropriate safety equipment.
  27. Ensure control switches are clearly marked to show what they do.
  28. Have emergency stop controls where necessary.
  29. If machines are controlled by programmable electronic systems, changes Made in any programme should be carried out by a competent person to all the concern persons.
  30. Know the work content and work sequentially.
  31. Place sign “Men are working” or other warning boards on the Main Switch before working.
  32. Cultivate the habit of turning your face away whenever an electric arc or flash may occur.
  33. Guard against arcs as well as high voltages, remember that burns from arcs may be very serious.
  34. Take extreme care when breaking an inductive circuit as dangerously high voltage is likely to result.
  35. Thoroughly discharge to earth all the cables before working on their cores.
  36. Always treat the circuit alive until you have proved them to be dead.
  37. Test insulating rubber glows periodically.
  38. Place rubber mats in front of electrical switching panels.

Don’ts to Achieve Safety for While Working in Substation

  1. Do not touch a person who is in direct contact with live electrical conductors. By this, you can receive serious shock too.
  2. In hazardous area, avoid direct contact between explosive mixture and means of ignition.
  3. Do not inadvertently activate any electrical equipment. Follow standard electrical isolating procedure to avoid inadvertent activation on any electrical equipment.
  4. Do not panic in case of power failure. Emergency lighting have been provided in all working areas in company through Diesel Generating Sets which start automatically within 10 – 15 seconds of the power failure. Stay calm until then.
  5. Do not work alone in main switch or feeder panel enclosure.
  6. Never leave electrical equipment without properly earthed.
  7. Do not put in use any piece of electrical equipment that gives a tingling sensation when touched. This is defective. Inform about it to your supervisor immediately.
  8. No live part should be within unsafe distance of a person working on live low and medium voltage mains, so that he does not come in contact with it unless he is properly protected.
  9. Do not touch or temper with any electrical gear or conductor, unless you have made sure that it is dead and earthed. High voltage apparatus may give leakage shock or flash over even without touching.
  10. Do not disconnect earthing connections
  11. Do not expose your eyes to an electric arc. Painful injury may result even with shortexposure.
  12. Do not close or open a switch or fuse slowly or hesitatingly, do it quickly and positively.
  13. Do not use metal case flash light around apparatus which is energized.
  14. Do not get closer than 10 feet to a power line (if you’re an unqualified employee).
  15. Do not reach blindly into a space that may contain energized equipment.
  16. Do not use a power tool that smokes, sparks, smells, or shocks.
  17. Do not store liquids of any sort near electrical equipment.
  18. Do not assume the black coating on wires is insulation – it could be just plastic weatherproofing that provides no protection from contact injuries.
  19. Do not use damaged or brittle electrical cords, even if bare wires aren’t visible.
  20. Do not allow untrained, unqualified staff to handle key maintenance or inspection tasks.
  21. Do not undertake maintenance tasks in an arbitrary order. You need a way to rank electrical components in order of how critical they are and then follow that order logically.
  22. Do not take a run – to – failure attitude to electrical parts. You should replace them before they become inefficient and potentially dangerous.
  23. Do not renew a blown fuse until you are satisfied as to the cause and you have rectified the irregularity.
  24. Do not close any Switch / GOS / Breaker unless you are familiar with the circuit, which it controls and know the reason for its being kept open.
  25. Do not work on energized circuits without taking extra precautions as use of rubber gloves and gauntlets.
  26. Do not touch or tamper with any electrical equipment or conductor, unless you have made sure that it is dead and earthed.
  27. Do not work on the live circuit without the specific orders of the supervisor and make certain that all safety precautions have been taken.
  28. Do not disconnect earthing connection or render ineffective safety gadgets installed on mains and apparatus.
  29. DO not use fire extinguisher on electrical equipment unless it is clearly marked for that purpose.
  30. DO not throw water on live electrical equipment in case of fire.
  31. DO not remove danger notice plates or other signs or interface with safety barriers or go beyond them.
  32. DO not allow visitors and un-authorized persons to touch or handle electrical apparatus or come within the danger zone of H.V. apparatus.
  33. Don’t allow unauthorized and untrained persons to work on Electrical Systems.

1 thought on “Safety point while work in Electrical substation”

  1. Pingback: What is Electrical Substation and Types of Electrical Substation

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