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Types of Generator Protection in Power Plant

Generators are the most expensive equipment in an ac power system. A 210 MW turbo-generator which includes an alternator, a steam turbine, a boiler and other auxiliaries costs more than hundred crores in Indian rupees.

The generator also represents the most complicated unit demanding an extensive protection system comprising a large variety of protective relays.

The protective system of a generator must be carefully chosen since an inadvertent operation of the relay is almost as serious as a failure of operation.

This is because the disconnection of a large generator may overload the rest of the system and cause power oscillations resulting in an unstable power system.

On the other hand, failure to clear a fault promptly may cause extensive damage to the generator and may again lead to disruption of the whole system.

 Another difficulty with the generator protection system is the fact that, unlike other equipment, opening a breaker to isolate the defective generator is not enough to prevent further damage, since the generator will continue to supply power to its own fault until its field excitation has been suppressed.

It is, therefore, necessary to remove the field supply, shut off the steam, water or fuel supply to the prime mover, trip the boiler and shut off all the auxiliaries of the generator.

Further, carbon dioxide is pumped into some large machines to extinguish any burning of insulation, which could have been initiated by the rotor movement.


Major faults and abnormal conditions in generators

  1. Failure of insulation of the stator winding
  2. Failure of insulation of the rotor winding
  3. Unbalanced loading
  4. Field failure
  5. Overload
  6. Overvoltage
  7. Failure of prime-mover
  8. Loss of synchronism
  9. Over-speed
  10. Under-frequency
  11. Over-heating

Protective schemes employed for generator protection

  1. Differential protection
  2. Inter-turn fault protection
  3. Stator earth-fault protection
  4. Overcurrent and earth-fault protection
  5. Rotor earth-fault protection
  6. Negative phase-sequence protection
  7. Field failure protection
  8. Overload protection
  9. overvoltage protection
  10. Reverse power protection
  11. Pole-slipping protection
  12. Back-up impedance protection
  13. Under-frequency protection

Class A, Class B and Class C Protections for Generator

Class A Protection

If a fault is of a very serious nature and impacts the generator, generator-transformer, prime-mover or boiler (i.e., the fault is likely to cause a direct and critical damage to the unit even after isolating the unit from the infinite bus),

The protective scheme that operates is known as a Class A protection.

Actions initiated when Class A protection operates

(i) Generator breaker is tripped

(ii) Generator field breaker is tripped

(iii) Incomer breakers of unit auxiliary transformer are tripped

(iv) Tie breakers between the auxiliary station bus and auxiliary unit bus are closed

(v) Boiler trips

(vi) Prime-mover trips

(vii) All unit auxiliaries are tripped

(viii) ‘Class A Trip’ annunciation appears

Class B Protection

The consequences of certain faults are such that the generator is not required to be isolated from the infinite bus immediately; but prime-mover and boiler are tripped immediately.

Because of this tripping, the generator will lose input and hence the power output will gradually reduce.

Because of this action, the generator does not speed up and the stored kinetic energy is utilized.

The protective scheme, which initiates the sequence as depicted above, is said to be a Class B protection.

Actions initiated when Class B protection operates

(i) Boiler is tripped

(ii) Turbine is tripped

(iii) ‘Class B Trip’ annunciation will appear.

(iv) Class A protection will operate through low forward power relay. Low forward power relay is a time-delayed relay

Generally, in large generators, a low forward power relay is used to sense the power output. When the power output reduces to around 0.5% of the rated power, low forward power relay trips and hence Class A protection operates.

Class C Protection

The consequences of certain faults are such that the generator is only required to be isolated from the infinite bus.

The generator thus will feed its auxiliaries only (i.e., the generator will feed house load only).

Once the cause of the fault is found and the fault is cleared by a relevant breaker, the generator can once again be synchronized with the system.

The process of synchronizing does not take much time. The protective scheme, which thus trips the generator breaker only, is known as Class C protection.

Types of protection in Class A, Class B and Class C Protections

Class A Protections

  1. Differential protection
  2. Stator earth-fault protection
  3. Inter-turn fault protection
  4. Overcurrent and earth-fault protection (for small generators)
  5. Rotor second earth-fault protection
  6. Overvoltage protection
  7. Reverse power protection
  8. Pole-slipping protection
  9. Generator-transformer overall differential protection (refer Chapter 6)
  10. Local breaker back-up protection (refer Chapter 10)
  11. Generator transformer restricted earth-fault protection
  12. Differential protections of unit auxiliary transformers
  13. Generator–transformer over-fluxing protection
  14. Generator–transformer Buchholz trip
  15. Generator–transformer pressure relief device operated
  16. Unit auxiliary transformer Buchholz trip
  17. Unit auxiliary transformer pressure relief device operated
  18. Unit auxiliary transformer OLTC Buchholz trip
  19. Unit auxiliary transformer instantaneous overcurrent protection
  20. Overcurrent protection of excitation transformer (of static excitation system, if installed)
  21. Generator rotor overvoltage relay
  22. Thyristor block failure (of static excitation system)
  23. Generator–transformer and unit auxiliary transformer mulsifire protection
  24. Automatic voltage regulator failure relay operated
  25. Vacuum failure in outlet of LP turbine

Class B Protections

  1. Negative phase sequence protection
  2. Field failure protection
  3. Back-up impedance protection
  4. Under-frequency protection
  5. Generator–transformer oil and winding temperature very high
  6. Unit auxiliary transformer back-up overcurrent protection
  7. Unit auxiliary transformer winding and oil temperature very high
  8. Very high excitation transformer temperature
  9. Thyristor (excitation system) fan supply failure
  10. Very high stator water conductivity
  11. Very high stator water flow
  12. Master fuel trip relay of boiler has operated
  13. Very high LP/HP heater water level
  14. Thrust bearing (turbine) failure
  15. Very low lubrication oil (turbine bearing) pressure
  16. Very high and very low boiler drum level
  17. Very high turbine bearing temperature
  18. HP turbine inlet pressure low
  19. Loss of boiler water
  20. Loss of ID fans
  21. Loss of FD fans
  22. High condenser water level
  23. Excessive over-firing in boiler

Class C Protections

  1. Generator–transformer back-up earth-fault protection
  2. Generator–transformer back-up overcurrent protection

2 thoughts on “Types of Generator Protection in Power Plant”

  1. Pingback: Parallel Operation of D.C. Generators (In Detail)

  2. Pingback: Under Excitation Protection in Generators - Electricalsphere

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